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Travel through Ethiopia! 


Few nations, if any, can boast the historic splendour of Ethiopia, evidence of whose extraordinary past is everywhere, from its rock-hewn churches, still places of living worship, to its ancient historical traditions and magnificent cultures. Ethiopia, is a nation of surprises, full of diversity and contrast, from the ancient to the modern.  Click here for more information.




Incredible pictures of Ethiopia and its people!  


The oldest human being found in Ethiopia!


A team led by Drs. Yohannes Haile Selassie and Bruce Latimer of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Cleveland, Ohio, has located new hominid-bearing localities in the Burtele Kebele of Mille district in Zone One of the Afar Regional State. The team have unearthed the oldest human skeleton in Ethiopia. Hominid Fossils Are Likely 3.8 to 4 Million Years Old. Click here for more information.

Addis Ababa City Map

  Books about Ethiopia!  


The book is released at the time when Addis Ababa experiences a process of urban change that profoundly affects its appearance and character. Welcomed in Ethiopia as a most interesting book on the town. [...] It is to be hoped that the Tourism Commission and tourist companies study this book (Dr. Richard Pankhurst, Addis Tribune), Old Tracks in the New Flower represents one of the first and most comprehensive contribution to discovering and understanding the fascination of the old Addis Ababa. By doing so, it provides further and detailed evidence of how dramatic would be the cultural costs of losing such a unique historical heritage. Click here for more information.


  Ethiopia the origin of Coffee!  


Ethiopia is the original home of the coffee plant, coffee Arabica, which still grows wild in the forest of the highlands. The Ethiopian province where they first blossomed "Kaffa" gave its name to coffee. Click here for more information.


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This site was last updated 07/06/21